The pain of gifting

I have managed to gate crash parties with no gifts sometimes bizzare gifts, I dip my head in shame when I proclaim that I gifted a very close friend a table clock of no significance at all & as wooden as my emotions can ever get. I have also managed to slip in money in 'lifafa' & performed my bit for humanity sake!
I always wrapped my inability to gift in sheets of destitution. Now that I have a worthwhile salary it doesn't seem lady like. But extravagance is just so not in my genes, therefore I offer my words to the dandy & the darling - all & sundry!
Largely because I was always naive or wise enough (each his own) to underestimate a friendship. Only recently when I forged more meaningful relationships with 3 distinct young women during graduate studies, I approved friendship as a relationship.
I remember giving self-made, thoughtful, meaningul cards to 3 of my friends & for a change it wasn't their birthday. (Okay maybe not so deep but surely thoughtful). For Sakshi I presented form of Dada as much I could understand & draw! Plucking hair is Tejas' one of many habits so the card had names of all possible bald men & women in all fonts & a tiny little mention of her, suggesting 'Stop plucking or lose them all'. For Vasundhara , I made special effort in getting details of a baba who promised to cure all kinds of illness. She thinks she suffers from blink & miss-mammary gland-syndrome. I wish her all the mass for a heavy bosom through the card & obviously a graphic illustration of how she will look after cure.
In another instance, this is an invite that I offered to write for Ekta's birthday bash to which she promptly agreed.
I thought that Slumdog is a great film but it is not an Indian film so no I am not throwing this party for its Oscar success, instead you wont believe I am turning 22 on 24th March. I have some spurious liquor on offer specially made for media rats at a vineyard my maternal uncle Rupert Murdoch left me. To go with that Ratatouille will prepare a special meal for you folks. Come one come all…
P.S: Oblige with gifts & avoid pooling in for a group gift
Priyanka Dube's Terrace
Day: March 25, 2009
Time: 8:00 pm onward
Pen Name: Zullu,
You also know me as Ekta!!